Thursday, July 30, 2009

Funny Friday...take 2

A little under 7 years ago something happened in my life that I will NEVER forget.

Roddy and I had two precious little boys ages 2 and 4. They were...well, a complete hand full. I had to have fertility drugs in order to have these two little monsters that I adored. And we were about to try for our third. (I get dizzy just thinking about it) Our time to go back to the doctor to start my 'get that baby in the oven' medicine was that week.

I had finally gotten up the courage to talk to Roddy about what I have been feeling for the past couple of months. I remember it perfectly. We were standing in our kitchen and he was leaving for work. So I had all of about 2 minutes to get this off my chest before he had to leave. I finally told him that I did not want to try for a third child.

He stood there staring at me for a few, very long seconds. And then these crazy questions started coming out of his mouth.

1. You know, you haven't been feeling very well.
2. Your appetite has grown a tad. As well as your craving for weird things.

These questions did not do much for me. But, then he asked the third question as he was going through the door headed to the car.

3. When is the last time you had a menstrual cycle?


I couldn't breath. But, my memories came back of when we were on a Caribbean vacation 'for two' just about two months before. I was without kids. Stress- free.
But I can't get pregnant without fertility drugs - I must have that 'Don't drink the water' sickness - which I've had before.
I started counting the weeks backwards. I counted the fingers on my right hand...and then on my left hand. 8 weeks. 8 weeks. 8 flipping weeks- late.
And then Roddy busted out a little chuckle and then left for work. I'm not sure how much longer I just stood there in the kitchen. I was in shock.

I went to the doctor that day and came home with a positive pregnancy test.

It took me months to get over the shock. But when my little girl surprise got here - it was one of the best gifts God has ever given me.


  1. Ah...sweet girl :) And is her hair trimmed? Did I miss that? or is it just the pic?

  2. God knew just how much you needed that little girl too. Aren't we glad He has better plans than we do.

    BTW, did you get my email? I am not 100% sure that it is working through the comment thing.

  3. Shannon that's a real sweet story. Here's what I've figured out. NOBODY means to have 4 kids and VERY few purposely have 3. We're finally getting to where the 3rd isn't quite so difficult. Historically this is the time my wife turns up pregnant.

  4. Yo...I have given you a blog award ;) that means you gotta go read mine, then get on your own and write! Love u



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