Tuesday, July 28, 2009

And just like the lamb....

Call me insane. Go ahead, I might agree with you. I'm a 35 uh, I mean...29 year old that is obsessed with the Twilight Saga. I'm alittle slow. I just finished reading the 4 books just last week and most people that I know have already read them multiple times. If it weren't for my dear friend H, I probably would have never read them nor watch the movie(s).

I know it looks like I have turned my blog into a 'Edward Cullen' fan site - but I am just having fun with it for a bit. I'm sure I will change everything next week.

Let me be clear...I am not obsessed with Edward Cullen. I am obsessed with the entire Cullen family! Most of all I am in love with the 'love' between Edward and Bella. So powerful - it overwhelms me. I think if I would to meet Pattinson in person, I would faint - because to me...he's Edward.

And then it keeps getting better...when I watched the Twilight movie (okay, I've seen it 8 times now), I did not really pay attention to the music at first. Except for Edwards song he wrote for Bella. As I was choosing the music for this blog - I was amazed at how beautiful the music is. I will be getting the soundtrack!

I was a little shocked that they used Pattinson - when he made his first appearance in the movie Twilight - I thought, "Seriously?" But as the movie went on - he was the most beautiful person.

...we fell in love with the lion.

All of this obsession has been downgraded a bit - after finding out about his gay sex scenes in Little Ashes. oh my. But, I have been reassured through research, that he is NOT gay. Even if he really was...I don't want to know! I will NOT be seeing the movie 'Little Ashes' now.

Anyway, just wanted to pass on my 'silly obsession'. A girl has just got to get things off her chest, you know!


  1. You're welcome...hee hee! Glad I could contribute to an obsession :~) And what's up w/you seeing the movie more than me? I'm with you, it's the love between them that is so attractive, very intense. Did you know Krystal is going to some Twilight convention? And no problem w/your family, the girls were great and are welcome anytime.

  2. You mean Krystal likes Twilight? HEEHEE. I have seriously got to get book 3 back to her.

    I have only read the series once but that is because other people have been hoarding my books (and I am so not guilty of that). I let Scott read them and now MIL has them. If she still hasn't finished book 1 by the time book 3 comes out, I think I am going to ask for them back.

  3. BTW, this is not really for posting but because I am to lazy to open my email.

    Do you realize that there is no way to see your profile on here at all? So you could be some random person I don't know. And do you have your profile blocked? Because someone named Shannon posted a comment and I don't know if its you or someone else because their profile is blocked.



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